Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Farmers Market Cookbook

Brilliant! Someone has actually written a cookbook for the Farmer's Market, just in time to celebrate the market's 75th Anniversary! In L.A.'s Original Farmers Market Cookbook: Meet Me at 3rd and Fairfax Joann Cianciulli gathers recipes and history from many shops, like Bob's Donuts (wouldn't you love to know how to make caramel and chocolate glazed cake doughnuts? Not that any of us would ever get our lazy butts in gear to actually mix and fry them, but wouldn't it be nice to have the recipe so we could pretend?)

There are recipes for Mama Voula's Spanikopita, Fried plantains from Pampas Grill, barbecue sauce from Bryan's Pit Barbecue, chocolate fudge from Littlejohn's, falafel sandwiches from Moishe's, apple dumplings from the Country Bakery...and all the history of the market and its denizens as well. A perfect Mother's Day gift!

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